UK Sales Office Tracking Map July Update; Credico has closed 6 of their UK sales offices in 2024

We’ve updated our UK sales office map with Companies House’s July business data, allowing us to see which Credico and Appco offices have relocated, rebranded, and dissolved this month.

UK Sales Office (Credico/Appco) Batchgeo Tracking Map:

UK Sales Office Dataset:

From this, we’ve learnt that ‘Customer Acquisition Agency’ Credico has dissolved 6 of their UK sales offices in the past 6 months. These include but are not limited to:

This leaves us with 80 remaining Credico offices currently being tracked.

The following Credico offices have also legally renamed themselves:

Remember that Credico, Appco, Cydcor, and Smart Circle sales offices aren’t intended to succeed as independent businesses. They are franchises, with the ultimate goal of funneling as much money to their parent company as possible until they are no longer able to do so. It's not a matter of if sales offices will fail and close, it's when.


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